

Transaction Type



Rosetta Brands


Rockpool Investments


Rosetta Brands | Rockpool Investments

finnCap Cavendish, part of finnCap Group plc, is pleased to announce it has advised Rosetta Brands on a significant investment from Rockpool Investments.

Rosetta Brands operates a unique high growth B2B Ecommerce-as-a-Service model offering leading global brands a fully outsourced Amazon channel across multiple geographies. Its proprietary software automates the ordering cycle with minimal human touchpoints while a combination of agency, optimization and vendor solutions allows Rosetta to significantly accelerate its clients’ average revenue per SKU across the Amazon channel.

Rosetta Brands has grown its business rapidly more than doubling its ecommerce-as-a-service revenues in each of the last three years. Rockpool’s investment will support continued rapid growth in the existing business as well as expanding into new geographies and new product categories.

The deal was led by Karri Vuori, Partner, and Amy Mayer, Associate, at finnCap Cavendish.

Karri commented:

“We immediately saw the uniqueness of Rosetta Brands’ ecommerce-as-a-service business model and were hugely impressed by the quality of the management team. We are delighted to have secured the right strategic private equity partner for the business who will help continue their exceptional growth story to become a global leader in Amazon solutions over the coming years.”

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