


Groupe JVS


Managers, EPF & Bpifrance

Acquired By

Groupe JVS

Naxicap and Eurocapital have sold Groupe JVS to its management team and to the private equity firms EPF and Bpifrance. After this operation managers now hold a 51% stake in the company. Financial details have not been disclosed.

Groupe JVS is a software publisher for the French public administration. The gorup provides software for all municipal functions: HR, accounting, civic life, childhood, public facilities, municipal elections, debt management, etc.

EPF is a French private equity firm. Bpifrance is a financial institution providing French companies with Innovation funding, bank financing and venture capital, investment and operational cycle financing alongside banking and financial institutions, equity investment, directly or through partner funds and export support. Bpifrance is running several investment funds dedicated to innovation support in eco-technologies, life sciences, ICT and other sectors.

Aelios Finance, M&A International Inc.’s member firm in France, advised the seller in this transaction.

Key Contacts

Tom Stoten


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Anthony Platt

Partner & Head of Technology

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Hugh Ripley

Associate Director

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Sam Kavanagh


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Ben Goldring

Partner & Head of Financial Services

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Mike Dinsdale


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Peter Gray


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John Farrugia

CEO of finnCap Group Plc & Managing Partner of finnCap Cavendish

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